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How Long Does Adjustment Disorder Last?


How Long Does Adjustment Disorder Last

Life has a smooth progression, and we must adjust to the challenges we face. At times, these adaptations of the new challenges may be hard to handle.

Feeling stressed, anxious, or low after a big life event may indicate an adjustment disorder. This condition happens when people struggle to cope with life's changes.

Nevertheless, how long does adjustment disorder last? Let us analyze the symptoms, recovery time, and treatments if possible.

What Is an Adjustment Disorder?

Adjustment disorder occurs when stress becomes overwhelming. It triggers emotional and behavioral problems, usually within three months.

There are a series of events that can trigger adjustment disorder, some of them are:

•      Being separated from a loved one

•      Loss of employment

•      Life-threatening sickness

•      Moving from one place to another

The signs of being anxious or down can show, but frequently, they include:

•      Depressed mood

•      Loss of hope

•      Nervousness

These emotions can interfere with focus and the performance of recurrent tasks. Furthermore, physical signals, such as:

•      Headaches

•      Stomach pain

These symptoms make you quite tense, and you have a hard time trying to be for the day. Identifying these signs can help you find a person's main issues. This is vital for healing from adjustment disorder.

Is Adjustment Disorder a Disability?

Adjustment disorder isn't a disability, but it can disrupt daily life.

Anxiety is difficult for someone to deal with. It can give rise to feelings and actions difficulties. It is a common problem that often goes away when stress is managed.

But it can be serious enough to stop someone from doing their job or daily tasks.

If symptoms persist and affect daily functioning, a person may qualify for disability benefits. This depends on their workplace policies.

How Long Does Adjustment Disorder Last?

The duration of adjustment disorder depends on several factors:

•      The severity of the stressor

•      Individual coping mechanisms

•      Treatment options

In some cases, symptoms last between three to six months after a stressful event. However, symptoms may last longer if:

•      Stressors remain unresolved

•      Additional mental health conditions develop

If adjustment disorder lasts more than six months and affects daily life, it may signal a more serious mental health issue, like:

•      PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)

•      Generalized anxiety disorder

Adjustment Disorder vs PTSD: Key Differences

Adjustment issue is regularly misinterpreted as PTSD due to both emerging post-stressful situations. However, there are key differences:

Adjustment disorder involves common mood changes, while PTSD comes from severe events like wars, shocks, earthquakes, and abuse.

Adjustment disorder leads to emotional pain and trouble handling stress. In contrast, PTSD shows up as flashbacks and nightmares.

Adjustment disorder is the most common symptom, usually resulting within six months. On the other hand, PTSD symptoms can persist for years if untreated.

Treatment for Adjustment Disorder

Adjustment disorder can be managed with therapy. Treatment goals include:


An adjustment disorder therapist might benefit you through various kinds of therapy. The following therapy choices are accessible:

1.  Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This method enables individuals to transform their negative perceptions.

2.  Talk Therapy: It creates for the individuals a secure setting to share their feelings and determine the solutions.

3.  Group Therapy: This, in turn, creates a social environment where one can find the same situations to share.


Oftentimes, physicians can include drugs in the treatment of the anxiety or depression that links to the adjustment disorder. Yet, this is generally applied in the temporary term exclusively.

Self-Care and Lifestyle Changes

Taking care of your mental and physical state is vital. It may be your top priority. Here are some self-care tips:

1.  Exercising regularly

2.  Eating a balanced diet

3.  Meditation and other relaxation activities

4.  Talking to supportive friends and family members

5.  Doing enjoyable things

Adjustment Disorder Treatment Plan Sample

A typical adjustment disorder treatment plan includes:

•      Assessment: A therapist assesses symptoms and identifies stressors.

•      Therapeutic Goals: The individual sets goals to improve coping skills.

•      Therapy Sessions: Scheduled interactions with a therapist supply guidance.

•      Progress Tracking: The therapist observes advancement and adjusts the strategy as required.

•      Completion: Therapy sessions may conclude when symptoms improve.

This structured plan supports recovery and helps prevent long-term issues.

Treatment at Mercy Mental Health and Services 

At Mercy Mental Health and Services, our caring medical team is here for you. We address various mental health challenges with expert support.

Whether you face depression, anxiety, PTSD, or other issues, our skilled professionals are here to assist you. Our therapies and services enable you to reach satisfaction and wellness.

Feel free to reach out to our Mercy Mental Health and Services specialist today by dialing 310.295.0666. Also, ask the therapist about the treatment goals for adjustment disorder to start the process! 

Final Thought

So, how long does adjustment disorder last? The condition usually comes to an end in six months; however, in the case of the stressor being in progress, the symptoms may persist.

To address the pain they cause, focus on recovery, prevention, and treatment. Use mental health services and self-care as key tools.

If you or somebody you know is suffering, consulting an adjustment disorder therapist could be a turning point.


Q: How can an adjustment disorder therapist help?

Emotionally supporting, teaching coping techniques, and finding solutions are the kinds of help a therapist gives people to overcome these stressors. Therapeutic techniques can be Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy or supportive counseling.

Q: Can children experience adjustment disorder?

Adjustment disorder can impact children and teens. It often starts after stressful events, such as changing schools, parents divorcing, or losing a pet.

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